
Unlocking Gates towards a Brighter Future – Pehchaan The Street School’s New Centers

Unlocking Gates towards a Brighter Future – Pehchaan The Street School’s New Centers Pehchaan The Street School, a trailblazing non-profit organization committed to uplifting underprivileged children, is getting ready to set off on a brand-new path. The launch of three new centers by the organization, each of which is anticipated to have a considerable positive […]

Team Pehchaan The Street School at Jesus and Mary College of Delhi University 2023

College fest is a celebration which unites students from various educational institutions regardless of their diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility and Why Is It Important

What is Corporate Social Responsibility and Why Is It Important Corporate Social Responsibility is a tool of the government that makes successful companies accountable to societal problems by setting a minimum level of contribution to society. India is the only country in the world that has made CSRs a mandatory measure to be taken up […]

Spread some warmth this winter with Pehchaan

Spread some warmth this winter with Pehchaan “For some winter is a season, for some it’s a celebration but for some, it can be torture because, without warmth, there’s no winter” In winter, snuggling up in your warm and soft blanket is the best feeling ever but there are many outside who are sleeping in […]

Reasons Why You Should Volunteer to NGOs

In India there are a total 31 lakhs of registered NGOs.They do not require sophisticated machinery, generate revenue by selling products or services.Instead NGOs need some kind hearted people with  a mindset to help others in whatever way possible like donating money ,food, clothes and by volunteering. Donating not only just helps to solve causes […]

Education- An Opportunity for All

Pehchaan The Street School has been striving towards excellence since 2015. It has been working tirelessly to educate underprivileged children and provide them with better opportunities. To put it metaphorically, we are the pen through which they write their futures. Throughout humankind’s history, identity crisis -questioning your sense of self or identity- has been a lingering […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Join Pehchaan The Street School

Right now, everyone wants to volunteer or intern with an NGO. India has a significantly high number of non-governmental organizations, with a total number of 31 lakh registered NGOs operating, which boils down to approximately one NGO per 600 people. With so many NGOs catering to different sections of society, choosing one that would give […]

Eradicating Barriers for Underprivileged Children

Even though there are a lot of educational facilities present in today’s society, some students nowadays face a lot of educational barriers. Basically, educational barriers are those which prevent learners from fully engaging in learning. And because of such barriers many children, especially the underprivileged ones, face lots of problems and sometimes even leading to […]

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