
Eradicating Barriers for Underprivileged Children

Even though there are a lot of educational facilities present in today’s society, some students nowadays face a lot of educational barriers. Basically, educational barriers are those which prevent learners from fully engaging in learning. And because of such barriers many children, especially the underprivileged ones, face lots of problems and sometimes even leading to […]

My First Day At Pehchaan The Street School

My First Day At Pehchaan the Street School “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ”- Nelson Mandela Living in the dazzle of our expeditious lives, we never ponder over the fact that despite being the fifth largest economy in the world, around 35 million children aged 6 […]

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom

I have found my passion for kids a few years back, and I have worked and volunteered with them since then. Driven by my love and sincere belief that children are our future, dreaming of a better world would never be complete without investing in children. This belief has also motivated me to work as […]

Making a Difference

“Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than they who produce them, for these only gave them life, those the art of living well” Aristotle was wise to recognise the importance of both education and educators. It is dreadful to witness the dearth of poverty each day on the streets and the […]

Why did I decide to work with Pehchaan The Street School?

Why did i decide to work with pehchaan the street school I recently undertook a primary survey across the slum areas to ascertain the number of children going to school. I had the pleasure of meeting Laxmi, who was enrolled in grade 7. She had 4 siblings and her parents were household workers with a […]

Why I Work With Pehchaan “The Street School”

Pehchaan The Street School is a platform where we can help the children who are underprivileged and can not afford education. This NGO promotes Free Education to underprivileged children residing in the slum areas. Working with Pehchaan The Street School is a great opportunity because you get an opportunity to know the real condition of […]

EDUCATION – Unlock The Golden Door Of Freedom

“A Child without education is like a bird without wings. “– Tibetan proverb Education, as we all know and have experienced the gift of it, gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and […]

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